Who is Ian Balina and how is he related to Token Metrics?
Ian Balina is the CEO and founder of Token Metrics (TokenMetrics.com). He became famous during the 2007 ICO phase of crypto. He was known for turning $37,000 into over $5 Million. He previously worked for IBM with Artificial Intelligence.
From TokenMetrics.com
Ian Balina is a Blockchain Entrepreneur and Investor. He has built three-million-dollar businesses from the ground up, and appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, CNBC, Huffington Post, The Street, INC and Entrepreneur Magazine for his work in analytics, cryptocurrencies, and entrepreneurship.
A former Analytics Evangelist at IBM, Ian has brought a data-driven, “money-ball” approach to investing in blockchain startups, called “Token Metrics”.
Ian is the Founder and CEO of Token Metrics, a data-driven investment research platform for crypto that helps investors leverage analytics and machine learning to become better investors.
Originally from humble means, Ian is dedicated to giving back through his philanthropic efforts with Children of Uganda and Black Girls Code.
Token Metrics is Ian Balina's baby
Investing millions of dollars of his own money, Ian is all in on Token Metrics. See some of the more notable sites that feature Ian.

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